Testifying to the State Legislature in support of Pesticide Reduction Bills
Anti-Idling Campaign - Making the Signs!
North 40 Vernal Pool Boardwalk Construction
WHS basketball courts with pervious pavement perimeters
"A Walk in the Park" - Fuller Brook Park Phase 1 completion
Goats eating invasives in Boulder Brook Reservation
Police Station Pollinator Demo Garden
Constructing the North 40 Vernal Pool Boardwalk
Organic invasive species removal!
Watering her adopted tree in the Town Forest during drought
Gas leak probe to indicate harmful methane levels
Remember to bring your own shopping bags! Protecs the environment and helps our merchants!
Learning about the effects of artificial light on the natural environment
Tagging harmful gas leaks
Tree watering during droughts
Planning WWI Memorial Grove
Perrin Park Basketball Restoration and Pickleball Addition.