Climate Change in Wellesley

Climate Change impacts not only our environment, but public safety, our health, and our economy

Our children's future is also at stake!

During Raina’s eight year's of service on the NRC she has worked to educate herself, raise awareness, support green infrastructure solutions, and help implement programs so Wellesley will be better prepared to face Climate Change through the following actions:

Support for Town bylaws and State Legislation to combat Climate Change: 

The harmful effects of Climate Change in Wellesley can be seen today:

  • Invasive Species in our forests, backyards, and water bodies strangle trees and clog ponds
  • (In the past, cold winter temps would normally kill off many weed seeds, thick ice on ponds would block out the sun to inhibit weed growth)

  • Record-breaking rainfalls lead to never-before flooded roads and basements

  • Trees stressed and dying due to severe drought
  • The effects of the 2016 drought, compounded by the early summer drought of 2021, are evident throughout Town

  • Four heat waves this past summer put stress on our energy grids
  • Residents were asked to "shave the peak" to avoid using the "dirtiest" fuels, like coal

  • Vector-borne diseases such as West Nile Virus and "Triple E" are becoming more common. Temperature changes can worsen asthma and cardiovascular diseases.

Raina has dedicated much of her adult life to protecting the environment. This now means preparing for as well as combating Climate Change. Local governments can make a big impact. Think Globally/Act Locally has never held more meaning. Re-elect Raina to the NRC so she can continue her efforts on our behalf.

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