
Because our Natural Resources Can't Speak for Themselves! 

The NRC advocates for Wellesley's natural resources by maintaining relationships with our State Representative Alice Peisch, and State Senators Becca Rausch and Cynthia Creem, asking for their support for legislative action that would protect Wellesley: a state-wide plastic bag law; bills to reduce plastics and harmful chemicals in the environment, and a move to cleaner energy.

Raina has a long history of activism within Wellesley, at the State House, and beyond. She's educated herself by attending conferences on the harmful effects of gas leaks and the importance of planting native species; toured the MWRA Water Treatment Plant on Deer Island to better understand waste issues; attended the 350 Mass "Legislative Advocacy 101" forum to learn how to effectively petition our lawmakers, and more. After working to pass Wellesley's ban on plastic bags, she's presented to other towns to help them pass their own plastic bag bylaws. 
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